"Prayers and homam on every alternative day....."

Homam is performed in almost every significant event or ceremony of a Hindu household life. It is an important religious and spiritual practice among Hindus. We enable you to look for God, be it through online puja, homa, yagna, havana, darshana and we ensure that you have the best of the encounters. We utilize innovation to give you the Godly encounters. Trust us you will love it. All poojas and homam are done through appropriate vedic mantras, keeping up 100% check of the droning. administrations Chennai are basic to conjure the particular god and get wanted outcomes. Benefit internet booking offices to add to your solace and reduce time. Our website is India's first online Pooja entrance that offers access to religious functions and cure ceremonies crosswise over 1000+ temples in India. Simple access to divine connection and responsibility of exchanges separate Online Puja administrations including a wide system, online internet business assistance and validity.

Ganapathy Homam

Another name of Ganapati is SIDDHIVINAYAK ...THE GOD OF GIVING SUCCESS. It is believed that for becoming a successful man/woman Ganapati plays a very vital role.Ganapati aradhana is also done for birthdays and also when getting married.

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Mahalakshmi Homam

Maha Lakshmi homam is one of the most auspicious homam for creating wealth. To get a quick rescue from monetary and property problems, to get rid of scarcity of money even in the down-trend of business or other professions, for prosperity, material abundance (money and wealth) etc.

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Navagraha Homam

Bad times are the effects of different malefic Planets (Grahas) and their position in our Horoscope chart. Even the Good Planets can not give you good favourable results if they are affected by those malefic planets or their position in natal chart is not good. One of the best solutions is Navagrah Homa.

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Special Pooja Services

We offers online puja services incorporate a group of knowledgeable, karmakandi intellectuals or ministers who perform pujas as per Vedic directions. Playing out a Puja under qualified ministers or intellectuals has various advantages: energy, evacuation of pessimism, cleaning of sins and end of an aficionado's karmic cycle. Pujas are should be possible through Japa, Yajna and Homam.

    Highlights of Pooja Services

  • Online Pujas are executed according to real Vedic conventions
  • Fully customized online Pooja performed only and just for your family and you and not as a piece of a general or a gathering Pooja.
  • Additional data looked for from you, for example, life partner's name, parent's names, gotra, your relatives (child, little girl) and different individuals you wish to incorporate into the Pooja.
  • Kids' names and so forth will be held in strict certainty
  • Sponsor online Pooja benefits in the interest of a parent or a relative in his or her name.
  • Full-fledged finish online Poojas without any contractions, shortening or length limitations
  • Highest nature of incense, pooja samagri and blooms utilized amid all our poojas.
    Online Poojas

  • Poojas for good well being and riches
  • Nakshatra poojas
  • Poojas for fasting days
  • Poojas and yagnas to celebrate critical events throughout your life
  • Poojas on celebration days
  • Poojas on Rahu & Kethu
  • Shastiabtha Poorthi

Homam Timings

The best time to do homa such as Ganesha Homa, Navagraha Homa, Sri Rudra Home and etc is between the period of sunrise and moon (that will be from 6.00am to till 12.00pm. sunrise is usually at 6.00am in India, Please check your local timing) and that is when the sun is the ascent(Surya Arohana).

One should not perform any homas during the evening at night. However, there are some special exceptions for homas like Chandi Homa which is prescribed in the mantra shastras that it should be performed either in the late evening at night.

If a homa is started in the morning, it should be completed before sunset. Agnihotra (also known as Agni Homa) must be exactly during the sunrise and sunset.



Kaala Sarpa Dosha

Astrologically, when all the planets are sandwiched between Rahu and Ketu, it is deemed to be Kala Sarpa. If the planets are moving towards Ketu, it is Kala Sarpa Yoga and If the planets are moving towards Rahu, it is Kala Sarpa dosha. Eg for Yoga: Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, Jawaharlal Nehru. Kala Sarpa Yoga is oftentimes genetic, meaning that it will be passed on from one generation to another through the DNA. Further, there is a critical age associated with Kala Sarpa yoga. i.e. 33 Years. At this age, an important reversal of energy occurs. For example, if up to the age of 33, you have suffered then after this age, success will start to come often unexpectedly and in major ways. The converse is also true. If in your younger years you had noteworthy success, you may become introduced to difficulties and blockages, halting your successful progress after the age of 33. For Kaala sarpa dosha, people visit Sri Kalahasti temple or Thiru Nageswaram temple to perform Rahu ketu pooja or abhishekam.Many people born under 1 out of 12 kalasarpa dosha types have lived happily but it is observed that most of them had female kids only and have struggled to make it big in their lives. Most of them turn philosophical in their middle or old age, whenever they go through Rahu or Ketu dasha or a dasha of planet related to rahu and ketu.

Guru Peyarchi

Guru or Jupiter is a benefic planet in our solar system of planets. It takes 12 years for Guru (Jupiter) to complete its complete journey once round the full set of zodiac signs. In each house it stays for about one year. The movement of Guru from one house to another house is called guru peyarchi or Jupiter transit. If Guru or Jupiter comes to the 4, 7 or 10th houses from your lagna then you would be blessed with much wealth. If it is in your 12th house then also this would result in a wealthy position for the native. Jupiter or Guru rules over one’s marriage, children, wealth and fortune. If during this transit Jupiter is in a good position, like being exalted or in its own house then you would become highly influential in society and would enjoy happiness in life. If Jupiter is not strong enough in your natal chart then there would be untold sufferings in your life.

Sani Peyarchi

Sani as a planet appears in various Hindu astronomical texts in Sanskrit, such as the 5th century Aryabhatiya by Aryabhatta, the 6th-century Romaka by Latadeva and Panca Siddhantika by Varahamihira, the 7th century Khandakhadyaka by Brahmagupta and the 8th century Sisyadhivrddida by Lalla.[6][7][8] These texts present Shani as one of the planets and estimate the characteristics of the respective planetary motion.[6] Other texts such as Surya Siddhanta dated to have been complete sometime between the 5th century and 10th century present their chapters on various planets as divine knowledge linked to deities. The manuscripts of these texts exist in slightly different versions, present Shani's motion in the skies, but vary in their data, suggesting that the text were open and revised over their lives. The texts slightly disagree in their data, in their measurements of Shani's revolutions, apogee, epicycles, nodal longitudes, orbital inclination, and other parameters. The 1st millennium CE Hindu scholars had estimated the time it took for sidereal revolutions of each planet including Shani, from their astronomical studies, with slightly different results.


Saraswathi Homam

The Goddess Saraswati is worshipped as the Goddess of Learning, the deity of Gayathri, the fountain of fine arts and science, and the symbol of supreme vedantic knowledge. Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, education and intellect. She is controller of education, intelligence and speech. Knowledge is power and from Vedic times, Goddess Saraswati is regarded as the giver of wisdom. Every human being requires knowledge, intelligence & learning for running their day-to-day's activities and it is believed since vedic ages that by worshiping Devi Saraswati somebody can keep his / her all those senses (knowledge, education and intellect) active. School going students or students pursuing higher studies, Teachers, Doctors , Lawyers, Scientists, Service holders or Business men worship Devi Saraswati for getting her blessing in this regard.

Chandi Homam

She brings Prosperity, Victory and Fame,
She gives Success, Happiness and Name.
She brings smiles, health, wealth and Gain,
She removes Darkness, Sorrows and Pain ... ... ...

Devi Chandi ...the another name of Devi Durga is the symbol Shakti who protects the human being from the happening of all evils and blesses with Success, peace, abundance and Prosperity. The purpose of the Chandi Homam is to remove any obstacles or blocks in growth both internally and externally for a person or a group of people. Chandi homa is very useful for the getting success, wealth, prosperity, fame, removal of fear, health, longevity, Fulfilling of Desires, food, progeny, strength, removing ailments, removing danger and defeat in the hand of adversaries etc. This Homa is really very useful for the elimination of all sufferings... protection from all miseries, fulfillment of your wishes and Desires, Rescue you from any Harm & dangers, getting of spiritual benefits and GIVING YOU THE VICTORY.

Lord Shiva Homam

Satyam - Shivam - Sundaram !! The ultimate truth of the universe is possesed by him ...the ultimate delightfulness is hidden in him ...the ultimate peace is associated with him. He is lord SHIVA. He is the god of this universe who gets satisfied very easily. He is the God who teaches us that the ultimate peace is hidden with a fact of sacrifice and self-meditation leaving all materialistic affinity. For improving the general health of body and mind, to remove all evil forces, to get uninterrupted physical and mental strength, to win over all hurdles, to overcome all dangerous, to deviate someone from a bad track to a good track, to get a peace in heart and mind, for a speedy recovery from illness before and after an operation.


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